Terms & Conditions


  1. You may register over the phone, in person, online, or through the mail.
  2. PAYMENT for classes may be made in cash, by check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. Do not mail cash. Make checks payable to Discovery Center.
  3. REGISTRATION FEE: A NON-REFUNDABLE registration fee of $7.00 is charged per person each time a student registers for classes. Discounts apply to class fee only.
  4. MEMBERSHIP: Optional Membership is available for only $25.00 per year. Benefits include waiver of the $7 registration fee for an entire year, $7.00 in discounts coupons, notice of special events and free delivery of the catalog. Membership is not required to take classes.
  5. REFUND POLICY: No refunds will be given unless a class is canceled due to insufficient enrollment. Refunds will not be issued under any other circumstances. Allow 2-3 weeks.
  6. GUARANTEE: If you are not fully satisfied with a course you have taken, we will issue you a class credit voucher (less the $7 reg. fee). The credit voucher is valid for nine months towards any of our other programs and activities. You must have attended the class. Just notify us in writing within 7 days of the class explaining why you were dissatisfied. This guarantee does not apply to trips, tours, sports and recreational activities or one-session classes.
  7. CLASS CREDIT VOUCHERS: If you are forced to withdraw before the first class section, you must notify the Discovery Centerat least 5 working days prior to the first class meeting, either in person or by phone and during regular business hours. Failure to do so at least 5 working days prior to the class date will cancel any transaction. Vouchers are issued only for amount of the class fee (less the non-refundable $7 reg. fee). The credit voucher is valid for twelve months and must be used by the expiration date. After that it will no longer be valid. The voucher is not redeemable for cash or goods and the original must be presented in person or by mail. (Photo copies are not valid.) IMPORTANT: There are no class credit vouchers, transfers, refunds issued for one-session classes after the class meeting. No refunds will be issued for classes which are postponed due to inclement weather or other circumstances beyond our control.
  8. CLASS TRANSFERS: If you wish to transfer to another class or section within a class AFTER you have registered, you must notify Discovery Center at least 5 working days, either in person or by phone, prior to the first class meeting. A $7 transfer fee per person will be charged and must be paid prior to starting the new class.
  9. SCHEDULE CHANGES: Discovery Center reserves the right to change course locations, schedules and instructors when necessary. Rain dates will be scheduled for outdoor classes postponed due to inclement weather conditions. Prices subject to change without notice.
  10. COURSE CANCELLATIONS: Those classes with insufficient enrollment will be canceled prior to their starting date. Whenever possible, students will be notified by phone, refunds will be mailed.
  11. SENIOR CITIZENS: Receive a 10% discount.


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